So there are a very select few sets of the entire clockworks 13 series available. THese sets have all matching numbers and are shipped flat.
I have gotten some inquiry on these sets and of the few set aside there are even fewer left available. to find out more about purchasing go the the editions page:
I packed up a complete set last night and took some photos.
Each print is individually wrapped in newsprint, then packed in a protective dense board taco thing which is carefully taped together and placed in a sealed mylar bag - since there are large and medium sized prints in the series I end up with two sealed bags
this particular set is numbers 8 - the complete sets are made up of the low number editions.
The completed mylar envelopes are stacked on a half inch maple hardwood board. Brass through bolts are placed on the corners to attach aluminum straps. The pouches are protected with a thick high impact lexan sheet. And an exclusive AP clockworks home page edition is placed under the lexan.
The straps are tightened down with brass thumbscrews to make it easy to dismantle when it makes it to it’s forever home.
Then I pack this in a super high density box specifically made to its dimensions with room for plenty of packing paper. The entire thing has been tested with hits, drops and impacts and has survived without a dent or scratch. Also makes for a pretty sharp package to open up.
SO yeah.. there you go - that is what a complete set flat shipped looks like.
This is a little delayed, this post about release 4 and stuff. Only excuse I have is that things have been crazy busy packing and shipping orders for R4. Which is a good thing.. to say I am pleased with the reaction and support from the world about my prints is an understatement. Thanks World. I am not very good with people, and I do not really have a lot of interactions or communications with folks. So I really had no clue how my prints would be received or how people would even find out about them (I don’t work well with galleries or wholesalers or anything, so it’s just all on my little website). Luckily / providentially / remarkably, there has been a handful of people with excellent taste who have connected with my work and told their friends.
To have my prints be related to and understood and appreciated enough to purchase is pretty incredible. I do not spend a lot of time explaining each piece or the whole point of Clockworks with a bunch of confusing artists statements. Instead I endeavored to make something immensely accessible and personal. Something that maybe would connect with people. The fact that my subject matter is robots is not at all the key facet to the series. The robots are just a useful tool in expression. To me the key is the viewer, participating in the work through identifying with it. Hopefully Identifying with universal experiences in the human condition. The juxtaposition with the natural environments and the clockwork robots highlights this. But at the same making something whimsical and pleasant to experience, whether you are young or old - fancy or not. Plus robots are pretty great.
It’s fantastic to have all restraints on my work removed, not having to answer to a design firm, apparel company, production group or even audience. Nothing derivative or culturally savvy. To just do something without a target demographic without expectations or limitations is truly rewarding in itself - I had no idea.
I am happy with the series, very happy. I am also so FREAKING EXCITED for what’s coming next. Sure I am going to be putting out some individual stuff in the near future - and some collaborations with amazing artists that are going to be rad. But also 2014 will bring another AP series that I am super stoked about. I promise to revisit clockworks years down the road - but for the time being the robots are going to be just hanging out.. doing their thing. And It will be nice to draw something different. Show folks out there AP is not just sprockets, gimbals and glass domes.
After printing and packing and shipping hundreds of prints, I feel like a veteran. It is pretty much all I do. I have a normal job, and after work and on the weekends I am just in the AP studio proofing, etching, printing, packing, working to the wee hours of the morning every night doing this. It brings me joy and works well with my reclusive obsessive personality.. really well. Add in the understanding and support of my wife and kids who have been really amazingly patient and helpful. It would have been impossible otherwise. At my best I am difficult, at my worse I am a total mess.
I finally got the swag all sorted, buttons, stickers, printed cards, swag bags, mugs, shirts, all sorts of cool stuff. When I get something in the mail, I really appreciate the little cool stuff - I like getting something that has added touches of magic. And I aimed for that with each release. My goal is for people who drop their hard earned cash on my work to get a little celebration in the mail. something that will make them smile.
I am rambling, I can’t help it. there are all these little kinda specific things I want to mention. Like the fact that the successes of the clockworks series, and every dime it has earned is being re-invested into Antiquated Press. How you ask? (I am now rambling and talking with imaginary readers) well I do not want to get into details yet.. but in the next couple months the impact of Clockworks and its success will be revealed. And everyone out there who bought a print will see what they helped make happen. Its all very exciting I promise.
About the lost print. it is used as the banner on the editions page. It shows the CW robots meandering off into the distance, traveling. This print was intended to be the last of the series. And in a terribly sad series of events the original plate was destroyed. It was replaced with Climb, the print that pretty much represents frustrating struggle.But I am probably going to be offering the lost print up as a digital Print available through the AP society 6 shop. I will post about that when I do.
Some cool stuff about the release: Orders were the highest EVER for release four. Orders were 2-1 international. And we shipped to some crazy remote countries and addresses I would be hard pressed to pronounce. We have done our best to keep international shipping as affordable as possible - and it has made a big difference I think. Some super fancy customers too, so that’s neat.
we are also doing a huge giveaway for our supporters, fans, and broke artists who want prints. Giving away prints, mugs, shirts, all sorts of cool. All you have to do is sign up for our all new newsletter. by following this link: or going to the official facebook page I promise NO SPAM. And I will be sending out free crap to my newsletter people. Lord knows anyone who would sign up for my newsletter is kinda weird, more than likely awkward. AKA my favorite type of people (all 14 of you)
The stop motion animation for stars was a huge success. it has gotten a bunch of great feedback and featured on printmaking news sites and blogs. if you haven’t watched it - check it out
Um, I guess that is all for now (or rather ENOUGH.. I tend to ramble and could really go on and on)… except to say that if you are a customer. Please be in touch. I have only had ONE order get a damaged tube in the mail which I promptly sent replacements. So please keep in touch and let me know if there are any questions, concerns, shipping delays or damages. Also send me a photo of your print if you want. We have gotten all sorts of great photos and seeing my work in the wild is so damn cool.
Detail images of the Ibex etching for release four of Antiquated Press Clockworks 13 series. 12"X18” plate printed on 16X22” Arches cover etching paper
Release three went really well. It has been so busy since the 16th with packing and shipping orders. If you ordered before Wednesday the 21st - your order was shipped on the 22nd-23rd. And orders since the 21st will go out by the 28th.
I ordered these awesome Print Shop Primers from Work Press and Publication. They are totally sold out now but I wanted to include a copy in the first 20 orders from release three. Unfortunately due to an unfortunate collapse in the United States postal service, I still have not gotten them in.
I guess it will have to wait for release four.
Um, so as of today the launch and space variants are totally sold out. I have a couple artist proofs if there is someone who really wants one and missed out. Email the shop directly - the opportunity to get a set of the variants is gone.
It is really quite a bit doing this whole “series” “release” “printmaking” “stuff” This summer is just a blur of ink, paper, whiskey and tubes… so many tubes.
This is a pretty short post. Just saying HI and then getting back to work on release four.
Detail images of the Roccketships etching for release three of Antiquated Press Clockworks series. 3 4X6" plates printed individually and as a triptych on 12X21" Arches
It’s been a bit of time since I posted, so I figured it would be a good idea to post some kind of update about AP and the Clockworks series.
Well release three will be up next week. It is a little different than the first two, in as much as it is pretty much only one print but in 4 different forms. It is a triptych, which is a way fancier word than the release is gonna be. SO yeah, not fancy but fun, it is a fun release.
It is equal parts exciting and anxious when trying to figure out how to pair up and tell the clockworks story in the releases. So since I had the extra break between 2 and 3, and 4 is the last, I decided it is the time for a fun print with a fancy name. The last release will be 4 prints again, totaling out to 13 etchings in the Clockworks series.
The fourth and last of the Series will be out by the end of August. Makes me a bit sad thinking about Clockworks being over. Luckily that is not the end of AP, no way. Lots of pretty neat things on the horizon.
Some current infos:
- So far top country ordering from AP is…. UNITED KINGDOM! thank you to all my friends across the planet for the support.
- Top Cities for orders are: Los Angeles, followed by New York Then Hollywood and Toronto. So those four Cities are on the official AP “Cities with good taste” list.
- We have had some really interesting customers. Including the editor for one of my favorite tv shows and the casting director for several shows I have not ever seen. An Olympic Athlete and many outstanding artists like Terry and Eric Fan, Nichole Lillian Ryan, and John Tibbott.
OH RIGHT!! for those who have endured reading this far.. part of the reason why R3 is not out this week is because of TSHIRTS. with R3 we will finally have pre-orders available for some sweet AP swag. And as a tshirt guy, I promise these shirts are going to be way rad. WAYRAD! Additionally orders for R3 will be the first to be getting some other yet to be announced fun stuff thrown in. And just between you and me.. we will be posting a link on our AP facebook page which will give FREE SHIPPING for only a couple days next week after R3 goes live. Yeah it may sound cheesy, but I am one of those guys that really likes a gimmicky free shipping deal.
Finally, I ran across this photo at the bottom of a miscellaneous box this week, it shows that my unbridled adoration for dome headed robots began Dec 25th 1985 - I still have my omnibot.
Thanks so much to everyone who has followed, supported, encouraged and inspired Antiquated Press. YOU’RE THE BEST, I love you all.
this posting is late. it has been a very busy week.
Way back.. like 5-6 months ago when I was scratching on plates at 3am I remember thinking about expectations. Knowing that ultimately I would be putting the Clockworks etchings out there to the world (hadn’t quite sorted exactly how that would work) but I remember thinking “what if no-one cares” and the release would be applauded by tumbleweeds and crickets. It was not a long contemplation because I concluded that it doesn’t matter at all. The purpose is not to get feedback or sell work. I didn’t have investors or galleries or anything that required success or even a yardstick on what success or failure looks like. Just getting the prints proofed and completing a body of work this year was my benchmark. That was (at the time) an almost insurmountable goal.
But here we are. Eight of the etchings have been released. And by released to the public I mean posted on my website. I am not very savvy at all with promotion and publicity. the opposite actually. So pretty much the AP facebook page and a fine gentleman named Mitch at OMG posters is the only fanfare and exposure these prints have gotten. (speaking of which, thanks for the generous and very kind words Mitch)
It is exciting - surreal. In the last two and a half weeks we have been packing up these prints and shipping them all over the world. It has been a challenge just keeping up with the orders. The logistics of packing and shipping and detailed tracking of editions and orders is quite a demanding task.
We will hit the 100th print shipped by the beginning of next week. That is 100 walls that will be the new homes of my un-assuming little robots. Pretty rad! Again, I am not one to measure or put qualifiers on success. But I couldn’t be more pleased with the reaction. Working in a vacuum is my comfort zone, I do not seek out crits or feedback or re-assurances. Maybe because I am not a people person, probably because I am an arrogant jerk. Despite that it has been nice to get such positive feedback after the release and to have folks out there that enjoy the work enough to purchase it. I sincerely thank you all.
All orders made before today have shipped or will be shipped by Friday (7-19). My brother is in state visiting so I am going out of town to the copper river for a little while.
I will be back next week at some point.
The next clockworks release will be delayed a bit. Instead of 2 weeks it will probably be 3-4. It will most certainly come out in August.
If you email me, I promise I will get back with you. It may take me some time but I will do my best to be better about emails.
We shipped all orders placed from 6-29 to 7-3 this morning. Including international orders. yay
If you placed an order you should receive a tracking information notice in your email.
Shipping stresses me out, know that each tube was carefully and delicately packed. If by some horrible occurrence, a shipment is damaged or incorrect.. we will get it replaced/corrected.
Some notables:
- all the prints in R1 were pretty much equally ordered.
- only a couple orders were for a single print, most were for 3-4 prints.
- first 20 orders received special AP print included in their package.
- Orders placed 7-3 to today are expected to ship Wednesday the 10th.
If you have any problems or questions about shipping. Do not hesitate to give a shout:
Thanks to everyone over the weekend who put in orders for APs Clockworks Release one. It is incredibly exciting to be filling tubes and shipping these out this week. High fives all around.
Full Series Sets: I am planning ahead for folks who want complete sets of all the releases in the clockworks series. And sure enough there have already been requests for exactly that. Basically print numbers 6-15 Will be set aside from all the releases to be available as matching full sets when the series is completely released. These can be pre-ordered (or reserved rather) just shoot an email to us at to get the details. There will only be 10 complete sets and they are offered like the prints on a first come first serve basis.
Facebook: Next week we will be giving away some proofs on our facebook page. So if you want to have an opportunity to get some sweet AP swag and proofs - go like our page:
Check out this cool little Antiquated Press Print: a 6X9 plate on 10X13 arches paper. Limited edition that we are only using for promotion and giveaways and such.
The first 20 orders for clockworks will get one of these added. It can be hung on the wall or used as a pot holder for not very hot pans. all sorts of useful.
Pretty excited to get the nuts and bolts of the new website shop all dialed in. And it is good to have these prints out there. These prints are quite special to me and i regard them like little messages in bottles to be sent out all over the world.
This is “release one” - look forward to posting release two here in a couple weeks (or so)
A quick note about the titles: “shark”, “wolf”, “lantern”, “Fireflies”.. are by no means complicated or high minded titles. I like the simple titles, they were given to the plates naturally while i worked them and they reinforce the fact that although these prints are fine intaglio etchings - they are also low brow robot illustrations with a golden heart. We’re not a sophisticated lot here at Antiquated Press.