Antiquated Press Journal

Jabba the tape dispenser.

One of Antiquated Press’s studio treasures. Jabba is ever present and invaluable. A couple years ago his Bakelite center spool succumbed to years of demanding use and hairline fractures grew until it fell apart one fateful afternoon. Luckily Lil Joe is a pro with his calipers and solidoodle 3d printer. He replicated the spool in durable ABS plastic and Jabba made his triumphant return.

Jabba was rescued from the back corner of a thrift store shelf - his vintage faded name-tag sticker already in place.
Always stocked with no residue drafting masking tape and weighing in at 1/1000 ton Jabba is forever a soldier and friend to the AP studio.


Clockworks Release Four - delayed

I apologize for being less than informative lately. I have gotten some email inquiries about what is going on with release four so I figured I would write up a post. September has been tough, I hoped to have had Clockworks done and posted by now- unfortunately it is not the case.

It looks like it will not be up until early October.

Also, due to some poor choices when it comes to the AP and clockworks shirts. They are not going to happen. All orders for the shirts have been refunded. If you ordered a shirt and did NOT get a refund/email of deepest apologies. Please email and I will get it sorted (

I don’t know if we will end up even making AP shirts right now. Me and shirts are a complicated thing and as of right now I kinda hate t-shirts. but as usual that is subject to change. Cool thing about doing all this without a production co. is I get to do whatever the hell I want. Bad thing is I get to do whatever the hell I want.

In other news it snowed this morning - which combined with the late May snowfall means that our non-snowy months were a paltry four. Four is not a lot of months without snow.

Some pretty neat stuff in the works - not really one to do the whole “I can’t talk about it” thing, it’s not really that cool. Just collaborations and an intensely involved process video.

Since the release is so damn delayed, here are some photos of some of the R4 plates








Post release 3 notes

Release three went really well. It has been so busy since the 16th with packing and shipping orders. If you ordered before Wednesday the 21st - your order was shipped on the 22nd-23rd. And orders since the 21st will go out by the 28th.

I ordered these awesome Print Shop Primers from Work Press and Publication. They are totally sold out now but I wanted to include a copy in the first 20 orders from release three. Unfortunately due to an unfortunate collapse in the United States postal service, I still have not gotten them in.

I guess it will have to wait for release four.

Um, so as of today the launch and space variants are totally sold out. I have a couple artist proofs if there is someone who really wants one and missed out. Email the shop directly - the opportunity to get a set of the variants is gone.

It is really quite a bit doing this whole “series” “release” “printmaking” “stuff” This summer is just a blur of ink, paper, whiskey and tubes… so many tubes.

This is a pretty short post. Just saying HI and then getting back to work on release four.


Detail images of the Roccketships etching for release three of Antiquated Press Clockworks series. 3 4X6" plates printed individually and as a triptych on 12X21" Arches

Antiquated Press Fall t-shirt pre-order is posted on the shop section of our website

re-order runs till Aug 26th

Clockworks release three

release three of clockworks series posted late last night

Joe nonsense about release three and an omnibot

It’s been a bit of time since I posted, so I figured it would be a good idea to post some kind of update about AP and the Clockworks series.

Well release three will be up next week. It is a little different than the first two, in as much as it is pretty much only one print but in 4 different forms. It is a triptych, which is a way fancier word than the release is gonna be. SO yeah, not fancy but fun, it is a fun release.

It is equal parts exciting and anxious when trying to figure out how to pair up and tell the clockworks story in the releases. So since I had the extra break between 2 and 3, and 4 is the last, I decided it is the time for a fun print with a fancy name. The last release will be 4 prints again, totaling out to 13 etchings in the Clockworks series.

The fourth and last of the Series will be out by the end of August. Makes me a bit sad thinking about Clockworks being over. Luckily that is not the end of AP, no way. Lots of pretty neat things on the horizon.

Some current infos:

- So far top country ordering from AP is…. UNITED KINGDOM! thank you to all my friends across the planet for the support.

- Top Cities for orders are: Los Angeles, followed by New York Then Hollywood and Toronto. So those four Cities are on the official AP “Cities with good taste” list.

- We have had some really interesting customers. Including the editor for one of my favorite tv shows and the casting director for several shows I have not ever seen. An Olympic Athlete and many outstanding artists like Terry and Eric Fan, Nichole Lillian Ryan, and John Tibbott

OH RIGHT!! for those who have endured reading this far.. part of the reason why R3 is not out this week is because of TSHIRTS. with R3 we will finally have pre-orders available for some sweet AP swag. And as a tshirt guy, I promise these shirts are going to be way rad. WAYRAD! Additionally orders for R3 will be the first to be getting some other yet to be announced fun stuff thrown in. And just between you and me.. we will be posting a link on our AP facebook page which will give FREE SHIPPING for only a couple days next week after R3 goes live. Yeah it may sound cheesy, but I am one of those guys that really likes a gimmicky free shipping deal.

Finally, I ran across this photo at the bottom of a miscellaneous box this week, it shows that my unbridled adoration for dome headed robots began Dec 25th 1985 - I still have my omnibot.

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed, supported, encouraged and inspired Antiquated Press. YOU’RE THE BEST, I love you all.



Detail images of Balloon Etching from release two clockworks series

post release two notes

this posting is late. it has been a very busy week.

Way back.. like 5-6 months ago when I was scratching on plates at 3am I remember thinking about expectations. Knowing that ultimately I would be putting the Clockworks etchings out there to the world (hadn’t quite sorted exactly how that would work) but I remember thinking “what if no-one cares” and the release would be applauded by tumbleweeds and crickets. It was not a long contemplation because I concluded that it doesn’t matter at all. The purpose is not to get feedback or sell work. I didn’t have investors or galleries or anything that required success or even a yardstick on what success or failure looks like. Just getting the prints proofed and completing a body of work this year was my benchmark. That was (at the time) an almost insurmountable goal. 

But here we are. Eight of the etchings have been released. And by released to the public I mean posted on my website. I am not very savvy at all with promotion and publicity. the opposite actually. So pretty much the AP facebook page and a fine gentleman named Mitch at OMG posters is the only fanfare and exposure these prints have gotten. (speaking of which, thanks for the generous and very kind words Mitch) 

It is exciting - surreal. In the last two and a half weeks we have been packing up these prints and shipping them all over the world. It has been a challenge just keeping up with the orders. The logistics of packing and shipping and detailed tracking of editions and orders is quite a demanding task. 

We will hit the 100th print shipped by the beginning of next week. That is 100 walls that will be the new homes of my un-assuming little robots. Pretty rad! Again, I am not one to measure or put qualifiers on success. But I couldn’t be more pleased with the reaction. Working in a vacuum is my comfort zone, I do not seek out crits or feedback or re-assurances. Maybe because I am not a people person, probably because I am an arrogant jerk. Despite that it has been nice to get such positive feedback after the release and to have folks out there that enjoy the work enough to purchase it. I sincerely thank you all. 

All orders made before today have shipped or will be shipped by Friday (7-19). My brother is in state visiting so I am going out of town to the copper river for a little while.

I will be back next week at some point. 

The next clockworks release will be delayed a bit. Instead of 2 weeks it will probably be 3-4. It will most certainly come out in August. 

If you email me, I promise I will get back with you. It may take me some time but I will do my best to be better about emails. 


Boat Etching From Release two of Clockworks Series - Available at

by Joe Carr

Variant edition of Balloon printed with cerulean blue ink 

edition of 13

Clockworks Release two 

R1 facebook Print giveaway

We had a little giveaway on the official Antiquated Press facebook page for 4 free proofs from release one. 

Sally is the most non-bias individual in the shop. So she drew the winners. 

it was very exciting

winner circle! congrats to Steven, Andrew, Jon and Pierce. 

thanks to everyone who was so nice to comment for a free print. We will have another one for the next release. 


cerulean blue

Incoherent Ramblings: 7-8-13


It has been a week since I posted release one. Pretty exciting busy week. And here in 5 days release two will go up. Worked on final touches over the long weekend, editions are in the dryer and ready to post. yeehaw.

A bunch of stuff has been rolling around in my head, combined with  correspondence with some customers and fellow print artist pals. I wanted to make an effort to kinda highlight some thoughts and info and such to the one or two of you out there who might be interested. 

The work: I am a big fan of contemporary art, print, culture etc. I buy and collect prints. I work with other artists and companies on fun projects regularly. I hesitate to say most, but quite a bit of the work being put out right now is pop-culture based or derivative in nature. I do not want to dismiss pop culture work, far from it. My Dinosaur Batman series are probably the most well received illustrations i have ever done. But, at the end of the day, I feel there is something very special about completely original work. It is common for folks to ask me “what movie is this from” or “I don’t get it” when they see my original work. We are so used to trying to look for the reference or the mash-up that we expect it in everything. With my prints, my clockwork series, there is no inside joke. No movie or cultural trend that you need to come prepared for in order to get them. They are simply illustrations of robots. Little insights into the human condition through simple automotons. A child looking at them is as well equipped to appreciate them as the most tuned in cultural hero from the internet. 

The Why: There are many reasons to do this sort of thing I am sure. Money, fame and power not being amongst them. I have done projects for big and small companies that serve a purpose. marketing campaigns,  fundraisers etc. One has goals and a target audience and deadlines.. serious business. In those situations I am a cog in the machine of making a print or shirt or book.. whatever. It is not my dreams or vision, i am just part of it all. 

This is different. This is my personal work. It begins and ends with me. I always create, always have - it is hardwired in me. Most of the time for no reason but to do it. Which is kinda the best reason. When I have attempted to put out my personal work in the past it has often been frustrating. Partially because I am obsessive/ compulsive about little things that do not matter (read:nightmare to work with). This led me down the path of building AP into something different. Hand pulling prints is pure joy. I am able to be as crazy as I want. Which is really refreshing. And I get to share my work, my vision, with the world exactly how i want to. no dilution or compromise. 

 Which brings me to another point. Fine art is some serious business. It is comprised of very fancy people doing very fancy things. I am not fancy or sophisticated. I do not have a MFA, I do not have years of exhibition and gallery experience. You’ll notice that all through my website I refer to myself at a print maker not a Printmaker. No capital “P"s in my title. There are brilliant folks who spend decades to become master Printmakers. I am more of a ronin printmaker… no sensei, no dojo. I am doing this just to do it. Gallery shows take a ton of time and are nerve-wracking. I am not interested in doing freelance commissions. I doubt anyone has read this far, so I will just wrap it up - San Dimas High School Football rules!

I hope some of that made sense. 



Shipping update: 7-6-13

We shipped all orders placed from 6-29 to 7-3 this morning. Including international orders. yay

If you placed an order you should receive a tracking information notice in your email. 

Shipping stresses me out, know that each tube was carefully and delicately packed. If by some horrible occurrence, a shipment is damaged or incorrect.. we will get it replaced/corrected. 

Some notables:

- all the prints in R1 were pretty much equally ordered. 

- only a couple orders were for a single print, most were for 3-4 prints.

- first 20 orders received special AP print included in their package. 

- Orders placed 7-3 to today are expected to ship Wednesday the 10th. 

If you have any problems or questions about shipping. Do not hesitate to give a shout:


Printing for release two. Packing and shipping orders from release one. Cold drink. It’s good.
(Letterpress card compliments of Lil Joe)

Shark Etching From Release one of Clockworks Series - Available at

by Joe Carr

Wolf II Etching From Release one of Clockworks Series - Available at

by Joe Carr

Lantern Etching From Release one of Clockworks Series - Available at

by Joe Carr

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